May 2024 Blog Train - Comments

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May 2024 Blog Train - Comments

Please use this thread for any comments, questions, thanks, etc you have for our designers participating in the blog train. To see the blog train list, visit this post.

Please remember that the blog train does not go live until May 1, so the actual freebie on the blog may not yet be posted.

I really love the colours this month! I also love how diverse everyone's style is... there really is something for everyone! Well done, ladies!

Great train with beautiful colors. Good to see you again @Robyn Denton

Thank you all for your generosity, and it's good to see some designers that I haven't seen in here for awhile, like Robyn and Bourico.

Tina, I'm having trouble accessing yours, the link keeps sending me to an error message.

There is a C missing in the address. it should be .com instead of .om
When you follow the link, you can change it in the URL field

Thanks to all the designers! Love the colours this month

Thanks, Patricia!

Thanks to all the designers for so beautiful kits smiley smiley

Thank you all for these colorful, happy kits!

Thank you everyone for sharing your talent. Your creations and the colors are wonderful.❤️❤️❤️

Such an awesome blog train❤️😘Thank you, everyone! @Robyn Denton : ♥️♥️ Looks like your computer is back to work. Love to see your new designs!

All the kits on the blog train are so great! Thank you everyone!

Lovely to hear from you, too, @Nellie Bell! I've missed our chats!

By the way, do you happen to have kept any or all of the Scrap Twist palettes? I'm trying to sort out my files, and thought I had them all saved, but haven't found them yet.

Haha! Yes, Bina, I'm back! My only problem now is pain levels, but I have a doctor's appointment booked for about a fortnight away, so hopefully she will have some suggestions (my lovely GP that I had been going to for decades retired at the end of last year, so I'm trying a new doctor at the same practice.) And, I'm now on DSP, so my financial situation has improved a lot, too!

I can't access Rhonda Tonkinson's (hope that's right) site. I get an error that reads "Your server is running PHP version 5.6.40 but WordPress 6.5.2 requires at least 7.0.0." I have NO idea what that means or i can do anything about it. I tried different browsers but none worked.

Otherwise, I love all the contributions! Thanks so very much for all your hard work!

thanks so much to all the designers for their great job !!!!!

I was able to DL the kit yesterday, but today I get the same error message as you Paula.
I sent Rhonda a PM. Her whole blog seems to be down...

The DL of Tina Shaw goes to her march contribution!
I sent Tina a PM

Thank you for the wonderful contributions to the train.

Paula, I can't access Rhonda's site, either, but I get a different message:

"There has been a critical error on this website.

Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress."

Thank you ladies for this wondeful blogtrain! smiley

@robyndenton I sent you a link in pm for some of the palettes

Thank you everyone! Beautiful work!

I always look forward to the beginning of each month! You contributions are so greatly appreciated, ladies. Just love everything! Thanks so much for your generosity and your time. smiley

thank you all for the lovely blog train contributions

@Robyn Denton Your contributions to the blog train are wonderful! Is there a way to subscribe to your blog?

Been awhile since I could get here! Thanks for the bright and cheerful posts!

Thank you everyone for your amazing kits!

Thank you very much. I hope to hop on the train and get back into designing a few of my own things soon. Loving the learning and giving attitude of this site. It reminds me of the good old days when digital scrapbooking was a new thing. I started in 2004.

Ooh, I've never been asked that before! That's so flattering! I honestly don't know anything about subscriptions... maybe just add me to your favourites in your browser? Unless someone who knows what they're doing in blogs has some suggestions??
