Mother Jordaan's cookies

Mother Jordaan's cookies

Similar Gallery Projects

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  2. Season's Greetings- Where's the Cookies?
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  4. Mother's Day 2011- GG's Card
  5. Mother's Day 2009- Mom's Card (Page 3)

Recent Comments

Ana carmen Modrego Lacal
Ana carmen Modrego Lacal Sun, 01/12/2014 - 03:40

que medida es la mantequilla ?

Diana Smet
Diana Smet Sat, 12/08/2012 - 02:35

great idea!! nice layout

Lady Phillippa
Lady Phillippa Fri, 12/07/2012 - 06:52

I love that you combined a picture of her with the recipe. Brings that homey touch. Where did you get those cute utensils?